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Easy Beef Jerky Recipe and Key Ingredients
Ingredi on Oct 23rd 2018

Perfecting the best beef jerky recipe can be tricky. There are a lot of factors that play into it, …
beef jerky
The Science of Beer Bread: A Simple, Vegan-Friendly Beer Bread Recipe
Ingredi on Oct 16th 2018

Beer and bread have a lot in common with each other. For one, they are both delicious. They also ha…
What is the Independent Craft Brewer Seal?
Ingredi on Oct 11th 2018

Craft beer has been all the rage as of late, and—if you ask me—rightfully so. Craft brewers are doi…
Craft Brewer Seal
What is Oktoberfest Beer?
Ingredi on Oct 1st 2018

You don’t need to be German to enjoy Oktoberfest—or a good Oktoberfest beer, for that matter. …
​What ingredients are used in dry shampoo and how does it work?
Ingredi on Sep 19th 2018

If you’re a dry shampoo user like myself, it may come as a surprise that this miracle&nbs…
corn starch
Commercial and Home Canning Food Preservation Ingredients
Ingredi on Sep 4th 2018

Before it became a convenience factor, food preservation was a matter of survival. Just like the hi…
What additives are used in wine?
Ingredi on Aug 28th 2018

In the past, there’s been some controversy around the additives used in wine, mainly due to a few w…
Five Popular Uses for Xanthan Gum
Ingredi on Aug 21st 2018

Xanthan gum is a widely-used food additive found in a wide range of food and beverage products. T…
xanthan gum
Understanding kosher: What to know to keep your kitchen kosher
Ingredi on Aug 14th 2018

Kosher foods fall into one of three categories: meat, dairy, or pareve. These food items follow str…