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How Does Sugar Create The Perfect Wine?
Evan Reboli on Jan 25th 2021

Perfect Sugar, Perfect Wine Sugar is probably the most important ingredient when making wine. Sug…
What are tannins in wine?
Ingredi on Aug 21st 2019

If red wine is your preference, you know the various characteristics associated with its flavor pro…
beer and wine
What is Sodium Benzoate?
Ingredi on May 1st 2019

Sodium benzoate is the sodium salt of benzoic acid and is widely used as a food preservative, parti…
Beer & wine
Is Wine Vegetarian?
Ingredi on Feb 6th 2019

Everyone loves a fine wine: it’s polished, has no astringent taste, and its color is exactly what y…
What additives are used in wine?
Ingredi on Aug 28th 2018

In the past, there’s been some controversy around the additives used in wine, mainly due to a few w…
Sorbic Acid vs Potassium Sorbate
Ingredi on Jun 4th 2018

Sorbic acid and potassium sorbate both work as chemical additives in numerous products used daily. S…
sorbic acid